Maundy Thursday

Watchet – 7pm Sharing a Christian Passover meal. Lamb casserole and apple themed dessert.

Good Friday

Minehead/Alcombe – Ecumenical act of witness in Minehead outside the Old Hospital 11am, followed by Hot Cross Buns in the Methodist Church Hall.

Watchet – Service at 10am at followed by the Walk of Witness. Gather outside the Boat Museum at 11am. Refreshments after the walk in the Methodist Schoolroom and their making Easter Gardens.

Easter Sunday

Alcombe – Holy Communion at 10:30am, Rev. Malcolm Hope

Brendon Hill – Holy Communion at 6:30pm, Rev. Nick Lakin

Minehead – Holy communion at 10:30am, Rev. Nick Lakin

Porlock – Easter Service at 10:30am Rev. Chloe Jones

Watchet – Holy Communion at 10:30am, Rev. Jane Sperring

Williton – Holy Communion at 10:30am, Rev. Tim Woods