Let’s Pray Together

2nd & 4th Tuesdays, 9am – 10am

On site: Circuit Office, behind Minehead Methodist Church on the Avenue

Please feel free to gather locally!

On line: Zoom:


Meeting ID: 916 430 1643, Passcode: 24051738

On your own terms:

Please also feel free to participate at home, and invite others to join you, whenever is convenient for you.

I hope that you shall be able to join us as we journey into God’s presence together.

If you have any suggestions or questions, please let me know,

Every Blessing, Rev Andy Day

Dear Friends,

Welcome to 2025. I imagine that from the last year, there will be moments and experiences that we want to carry with us into 2025 and those that we wish to leave behind.

Yet, Jesus still says bring both your joy and your sadness, and come, follow me still, and be with me in your prayers and you shall know my power to guide your steps as we walk the road ahead together.

When we pray, Jesus does guide our steps, and leads us in the right direction.

Take a moment to look at the road on the front of the leaflet and ponder how we feel about the road ahead.

This month, lets pray together using the image of the road ahead, in the expectation that we shall see it as the road to our eternal home.

Lord, we praise you that we meet on the road, just like those going to Emmaus, and Saul on the road to Damascus, and so many others.

You come to join us, where we are, drawing alongside us, ever present, ever protecting, ever blessing.

Sometimes, we don’t even know its you, until afterwards, but then the scales fall from our eyes and we know it was the Lord.

So, as we line up at the start of this year, a year that has never been lived before, may we do so, with hope, and anticipation, marking our steps not by the times we stumble, but by the times you lift us up.

Let’s pray for those who are excited at the prospect of the coming year. That their hopes will be realised and even exceeded. Yet, that they will be open to the prompting and direction of the Holy Spirit.

Let’s pray for those for whom, the new year means little, they feel as though they are not moving forward, or even backwards, but stuck fast where they are with the same responsibilities, the same difficulties.

Let’s pray for those fear what the coming year will bring, for themselves, or for those they love. Either materially, physically or relationally.

Let us pray for the members, leaders and team of our church and circuit, that they too will discover God along the way, when they need him most to protect them, to guide them and lead others.

Let us pray for ourselves, that we will step on this road with boldness and confidence in Your divine power to work wonders in our community. Let us pray  that the coming year will bring us fresh experiences and revelations of who Jesus is, and who we are as those who belong to Christ.
